Friendship is Hard

     Sometimes I wish I had a good friend. A friend I can call on that night when the world feels like it's crumbling all around me. Or that day when my heart feels like an elephant just stepped on it. A friend that just wants to have lunch and catch up. A friend that offers to drive me to the airport. A friend to hang out with at the beach, or go shopping at the mall. A friend that knows when to give me space or take me to a fun place. Does that friend exist anymore?

     Sometimes I wish I had a lot of friends. Sometimes I ask myself why don't I have friends. Maybe I do have friends but I just don't know it. Maybe other people view friendship differently. Maybe I expect to much out of friendship. Should I lighten up and open up to more people. It's hard to open up when I know they have no desire or the ability to understand where I have been. They have no desire to listen to my ideas, my dreams, my passions. They just want someone to party with or someone to cry to, to listen to their drama and to hear their complaints. Maybe I am not reaching out the right way or to the right people. I have plenty of acquaintances. I know people all over the country, in all walks of life. Am I opening the door to the wrong people? Friendship shouldn't be so hard.

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